
Below are forms in PDF format for use by our current or prospective clients and are the property of Benenati Law Firm, P.C.

Each of these forms is ‘fillable’ but you may experience varying results depending on how you save the completed form. It’s imperative that you confirm that your new file contains all the information you entered prior to closing the working file.

Best practice recommendatons:

Use the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete the forms. There is no cost to you and when you choose ‘Save As,’ your work will be saved, and the fillable features are retained.

Use the Microsoft Edge Browser. The latest browser from Microsoft will also allow the user to save the form with the entries they’ve added and complete their work at a different time.

Google Chrome will allow a user to fill out the forms, but does NOT allow you to save the fillable form with your work. If you choose Chrome to complete the form, simply use the “Print to PDF” feature to save the form to a new name with your completed work. This does NOT retain the fillable form, so you must complete the entire form to use this option. Once saved, it will retain the additional data, and you can forward it as an email attachment to us.

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